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CCaPPTC Membership

CCaPPTC includes member training programs at the doctoral, doctoral internship, and postdoctoral level who are involved in the education and training of psychologists to work with children, adolescents and families. Eligibility for membership is delineated in CCaPPTC membership criteria. Categories of membership are differentiated by the depth of clinical child/pediatric psychology training offered, as characterized in accordance with the Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology Taxonomy (i.e., Full Membership or Associate Membership), with criteria that are specific to level of training (i.e., doctoral, doctoral internship, or postdoctoral fellowship). Membership is renewed annually via payment of dues. CCaPPTC welcomes applications from prospective member training programs via submission of an online application that is reviewed by the CCaPPTC Board for alignment with membership criteria. CCaPPTC is engaged in numerous activities that seek to advance education and training in clinical child and pediatric psychology; the Council leads and participates in various initiatives intended to benefit member programs and the field.

Voting Members & Member Representatives

Each member program is entitled to one vote on CCaPPTC matters submitted to a vote of the members (e.g., elections for CCaPPTC Board of Directors).  Unless otherwise specified, the individual eligible to cast a vote for a member program is presumed to be the Training Director.  However, each member program may alternatively select a program representative to serve as the CCaPPTC Member Representative, who need not be the Director of Training. A designated Member Representative may act for his or her program in any business of CCaPPTC.

Associate Member programs are welcomed and encouraged to participate in discussion of CCaPPTC initiatives but per CCaPPTC bylaws cannot participate in CCaPPTC governance (i.e., serve on the CCaPPTC Board of Directors).   Associate Member programs are expected to transition to Full Membership once those criteria are met. Please contact the CCaPPTC Board of Directors to request transition to Full Membership (

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