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CCaPPTC Membership Application 

CCaPPTC Membership Overview & Eligibility


CCaPPTC includes member training programs at the doctoral, doctoral internship, and postdoctoral level who are involved in the education and training of psychologists to work with children, adolescents and families. Eligibility for membership is delineated in CCaPPTC membership criteria. Categories of membership are differentiated by the depth of clinical child/pediatric psychology training offered, as characterized in accordance with the Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology Taxonomy (i.e., Full Membership or Associate Membership), with criteria that are specific to level of training (i.e., doctoral, doctoral internship, or postdoctoral fellowship). CCaPPTC welcomes applications from prospective member training programs via submission of an online application that is reviewed by the CCaPPTC Board for alignment with membership criteria. Additional information about membership may be found in the CCaPPTC bylaws.



Membership Application & Review Process


Programs seeking CCaPPTC membership must complete an online application (link below). Applications may be submitted at any time.  Applications are reviewed by the CCaPPTC Board, with votes for approval occurring during monthly Board meetings; per CCaPPTC bylaws, an affirmative vote from at least 2/3 of CCaPPTC Board members. Applicant programs will be notified of the outcome and, if approved for membership, will subsequently be invoiced for dues. Membership becomes active once dues are remitted.  


*Note: the online application uses Google Forms as the platform.  Some institutions may block access to Google Forms; if you encounter difficulty, please attempt to access the form via an alternative device. Prospective applicants who are having difficulty accessing the application may also reach out to the CCaPPTC Board of Directors here.



​Membership Dues


Dues for CCaPPTC membership are due upon invoicing by the CCaPPTC Treasurer.  For new members, invoicing occurs after approval for membership is granted; membership renewal occurs via annual invoicing.


Membership dues are $175 annually per member program. Dues are paid after an applicant program has been approved for membership and may be paid in the following ways:

  • Via the CCaPPTC website* - If you are paying through our website, please choose the type of payment associated with your program (doctoral, internship, fellowship) and include your CCaPPTC program number in the notes so that we may credit the correct program.

  • Via PayPal - If using PayPal, if possible please choose either the “personal” or “to family/friends” option to reduce administrative costs. You may send your PayPal payment to Please include your program name and CCaPPTC program number in the notes so that we may credit the correct program.


If you have questions, need an additional invoice, or encounter difficulty with any of the payment options, please contact the CCaPPTC Treasurer.


Current CCaPPTC Treasurer contact information:


Tina Drossos, PhD


* Applicant programs should not submit dues payment until the program is approved for membership.  If your program has been approved for membership and has received a dues invoice, feel free to use this Pay Now button to submit your initial dues payment.

© 2023 Clinical Child and Pediatric Psychology Training Council

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